A. E. Buchanan
P h o t o g r a p h y
Andrew Buchanan - Photographer
I am from and live in Maryville, TN. I have a full time job, a son, family, friends, hobbies... just like most people do. I understand that the small things, like having photos done, are not top priority based on costs, time and convenience. My work is suited perfectly for anyone in any situation.
I love any creative outlet essentially. From music to art. I have dabbled in most of them but I found that photography is my best muse. I take a moment in time of this one life, that none of us will ever live again, and recreate it. Capturing that moment to remember it was real, it happened, and continues to happen though what we do every day. Photos are not just fun to look at or fun to take, they are portals to grasp that occasion and hold on to it. Photos are memories that cannot be forgotten in the years. They are forever.